Friday, January 9, 2009

Performance Monitoring in Server Core in Windows Server 2008

Performance Monitoring

The Reliability and Performance Monitor (RPM) console is not available on Server Core, however, the Performance Logs and Alerts service and the underlying performance subsystem is the same as a full installation of Windows Server 2008. Performance Monitoring of a Server Core server can be accomplished using the following methods:
        Remotely using Performance Monitor on a full installation of Windows Server 2008 or Windows Vista
        Locally on Server Core using the following command line performance monitoring tools:


Logman.exe can be used to perform the following tasks:
        Locally and remotely manage performance counter and event trace log collections.
        Configure a data collector set on one computer and then copy that configuration to multiple computers from a central location.
        Query currently-running logs and event traces.
Command Syntax
logman [create|query|start|stop|delete|update|import|export][options]
The following table describes logman.exe command line parameters:
Table 13: LOGMAN Command Parameters
Create a new data collector.
Query data collector properties by name.
Start an existing data collector and set the begin time to manual.
Stop an existing data collector and set the end time to manual.
Delete an existing data collector.
Update an existing data collector's properties.
Import a data collector set from an XML file.
Export a data collector set to an XML file.
Displays context sensitive help.
Perform the command on specified remote system.
Settings file containing command options.
Send commands to Event Trace Sessions without saving or scheduling.

A common scenario for using logman.exe on Server Core is to create a Data Collector Set using Performance Monitor on a full installation of Windows Server 2008, or Windows Vista, and export the Data Collector Set configuration as an XML template. Then, use logman.exe to import and start the Data Collector Set on a Server Core server. After exporting the Data Collector Set XML template file, the following command can be used to import the XML template using logman.exe:
logman import –n <name> -xml <filename>
<name> = desired name for target Data Collector Set
<filename> = name of XML template to import
To start the Performance Monitor Data Collector Set after inporting the XML template, type the following command at the command prompt:
logman start <name>
<name> =  name of Data Collector Set to start
All of the configured Data Collector Sets may be listed using logman query.

The Performance Monitor log file will be created in the following folder, by default:


Relog can be used to create new performance logs from data in existing performance logs by changing the sampling rate and/or converting the file format. Supports all performance log formats, including Windows NT 4.0 compressed logs.
Command Syntax
relog <filename [filename ...] [options]
The following table describes Relog command line parameters.
Table 14: RELOG Command Parameters
<filename [filename ...]
Required: Performance file to relog.
Displays context sensitive help.
Append output to the existing binary file.
-c <path [path ...]>
Counters to filter from the input log.
-cf <filename>
File listing performance counters to filter from the input log. Default is all counters in the original log file.
Output file format.
-t <value>
Only write every nth record into the output file. Default is to write every record.
Output file path or SQL database.
-b <M/d/yyyy h:mm:ss[AM|PM]
Begin time for the first record to write into the output file.
-e <M/d/yyyy h:mm:ss[AM|PM]
End time for the last record to write into the output file.
-config <filename>
Settings file containing command options.
List performance counters in the input file.
Answer yes to all questions without prompting.


Typeperf.exe can be used to perform the following tasks:
        Write performance data to the command window or to a supported log file format (csv | tsv | bin | sql).
        Display all of the counters that are currently available on a particular local or remote computer.
Command Syntax
typeperf { <counter [counter ...]>
                                | -cf <filename>
                                | -q [object]
                                | -qx [object]
                                } [options]
The following table describes typeperf command line parameters
Typeperf.exe supports the following commands:
Table 15: Typeperf Command Parameters
<counter [counter ...]>
Required: Performance counters to monitor.
The counter parameter(s) specify the full name of a performance counter in\\>\<object>(<instance>)\<counter> format.
Example\\Server1\Processor(0)\% User Time
Output file format. Default is CSV.
-cf <filename>
File containing performance counters to monitor, one per line.
-si <[[hh:]mm:]ss>
Time between samples. Default is 1 second.
-o <filename>
Path of output file or SQL database. Default is STDOUT.
-q [object]
List installed counters (no instances). To list counters for one object, include the object name, such as Processor.
-qx [object]
List installed counters with instances. To list counters for one object, include the object name, such as Processor.
-sc <samples>
Number of samples to collect. Default is to sample until CTRL+C.
-config <filename>
Settings file containing command options.
-s <computer_name>
Server to monitor if no server is specified in the counter path.
Answer yes to all questions without prompting.
Displays context sensitive help.
